Cisco Cloud Security Workshop for Partner SEs’ (SDCCS) - Lab Topology


Lab Topology

Labs Day 1

After completing this lab, SEs and customers will be able to successfully deploy and operate Umbrella solutions, and will have a good understanding of how they work and the benefits they provide

  • Scenario 1: Deloy Umbrella, Create Policies and Generate Activity
  • Scenario 2: Reporting
  • Scenario 3: Umbrella investigate

Labs Day 2 After completing this lab, SEs and customers will be able to successfully deploy and operate Cisco Cloudlock solutions, and will have a good understanding of how they work and the benefits they provide

  • Scenario 1: Installation, Dashboard Overview, Policies, Activities and Incidents
  • Scenario 2: Policy configuration and Incident Management
  • Instructor Demo of Office 365 Threat Analyzer