Configuring Network Automation Solutions (CANAS) – Outline

Detailed Course Outline

Version Control System
  • Version Control System Overview
  • git and GitHub Overview
  • git Workflow
Programming Fundamentals
  • Python Basics and Python Editors
  • Python Data Structures
    • Data type overview
    • Conditional statements and decision making
    • Python loop, functions and modules
    • Python classes and objects
    • Python try except
  • Summary of Data Format Types (XML, JSON, YAML)
  • REST API Overview
  • API and API Use Case
  • Aruba Networks API overview
  • API Tools
Python Workflow
  • Aruba Central SDK
  • Aruba AOS-CX SDK
  • Aruba AOS8 Automation and Python
  • Aruba NAE Script
Ansible Part 1
  • Overview
  • Architecture
  • Inventory and Playbook
  • Variable
  • Installation
  • Roles and Collections Installation
Ansible Part 2
  • Role and Collections
  • Loops
  • Conditionals and Blocks
  • Vault
  • Tower or AWX
Ansible Workflow
  • Ansible Workflows with Aruba products