Detailed Course Outline
Developing .NET Business Applications
- Preparing an effective layered application architecture
- Implementing a Visual Basic solution with Visual Studio
- Strong naming assemblies with Visual Studio
Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic
Designing classes with encapsulation
- Coding classes with fields and public properties, methods and events
- Instantiating objects with constructors and initialisers
- Linking objects with associations
- Crafting classes with Visual Studio class designer
- Creating shared, overloaded and extension methods
Applying inheritance
- Identifying when to use inheritance
- Coding inheritance hierarchies with Inherits
- Overriding base class functionality with Protected, Overridable and Overrides
Employing polymorphism
- Creating abstractions with MustInherit classes
- Attaching the Implements clause to interfaces
- Invoking polymorphic behaviour
- Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged and IDataErrorInfo
Engaging the .NET Framework
Common Language Runtime (CLR)
- CLR architecture and services
- Managing memory and garbage collection
- Compiling Visual Basic into Intermediate Language
- Handling errors with Try/Catch/Finally
- Throwing exceptions to enforce correct client behaviour
Surveying the .NET Framework Class Library
- Representing sets of data with .NET arrays and generic collections: List(Of T), BindingList(Of T)
- Leveraging data annotation attributes for validation
- Matching complex patterns with Regular Expressions
Programming web user interfaces
- Designing ASP.NET web pages and adding controls
- Working with the ASP.NET page life cycle and events
- Integrating data access into ASP.NET
Constructing .NET desktop applications
- Laying out Windows Forms and controls
- Responding to user interface events
- Implementing master/detail data binding
- Displaying data entry errors with Error Provider
Accessing Data with Entity Framework and LINQ
Connecting to databases with ADO.NET
- Working with Connection, Command and DataReader
- Calling stored procedures from ADO.NET
- Releasing disposable objects
Mapping objects to databases with ADO.NET Entity Framework
- Demystifying the database, model and code-first approaches
- Automating object-relational mapping with DbContext and DbSet
- Representing associations with foreign key mappings
- Lazy and eager loading-related objects
- Persisting an object graph into the database
Integrating query into Visual Basic with LINQ
- Constructing LINQ statements
- Filtering, sorting, grouping and reshaping data: Where, Order By, Group By and Select
- Building custom objects from LINQ queries with anonymous classes
- Working with expression and lambda function LINQ syntax
- Harnessing LINQ with collections and Entity Framework
Deploying Visual Basic Applications
- Employing .NET configuration and VB My.Settings
- Packaging ASP.NET web applications with Visual Studio
- Publishing Windows applications with ClickOnce