Detailed Course Outline
Introductions and Expectations
Module 1: The Customer Journey
The Customer Journey
A business-focused view of how the customer sees their business and what is relevant to them. We will define and explore the following terms: -
- Business Vision
- Business Strategy
- Business Capabilities
- Business Roadmap
- Business Outcome Measurement
- Business Value Realisation
Module 2: Cisco Business Architecture Methodology
We will review the methodology and the associated tools to help focus on the following phases: -
- Knowledge of the customers business and Opportunities,
- Research and Analyse,
- Develop and Verify,
- Customer Commit,
- Deploy and Measure.
Business Roadmap
The value of a business architecture approach is the creation of a business roadmap that enables the business to transform from its current business state to its target business state. We will examine a business roadmap and the categorisation of related business solutions as: -
- Foundation,
- Enabling,
- Impacting.
Business Maturity Level
Businesses have different maturity levels and we will examine and then consider each level has a specific type of engagement.
- Technology Specific,
- Technology Architecture,
- Business Solutions,
- Business Transformation.
Module 3: Understanding the Customer Environment
SMART Framework In addition to defining the business priorities, requirements, capabilities, solutions, and outcomes, it is important to understand the additional factors that drive the target state of the business.
We will consider the SMART framework to help define effective priorities and objectives.
Business Gap Analysis
The target state sets the stage for conducting a gap analysis which determines what business capabilities are no longer applicable, the capabilities that need to be transformed, or new capabilities required by business target state.
Business Model Canvas (BMC)
A business model consists of the components that enable a business to be successful and is used in business architecture to articulate the current and target states of the business.
Here we examine the Business Model Canvas (BMC) and how best to use this relevant and valuable tool to help articulate current and target business states.
Module 4: Understanding the Customer Audience
To describe the characteristics of personas and then compare and contrast stakeholder views and viewpoints.
To consider the characteristics of different audience, leadership and management styles and explain the importance of customer relationship management in a business architecture engagement.
Module 5: Financial considerations and articulating Value
Consider how investment decisions are made and how Return on Investment (ROI) is realised.
To clearly understand the following financial terms: ROI, TCO, IRR, NPV, Chargeback, Showback and Payback and how they are used to support investment decisions and in support of a discounted cash-flow analysis.
Module 6: Applying the Business Architecture methodology
To apply the Business Architecture methodology to either a fictitious case-study or to an attendee submitted live opportunity with the help of four practical workshop exercises employing some of the valuable business tools we covered during the morning session: -
- Exercise: Determine the customer Business Maturity Level,
- Exercise: Create a current-state BMC,
- Exercise: Create a target-state BMC,
- Exercise: Consider the relevant inputs to a basic discounted cash-flow analysis to help articulate value in executive relevant terms.
Module 7: Articulating Business Value
Finally, to create a customer-centric Impact Statement to help articulate the business value in changing from current to target states.
Course Wrap
Partner Enablement resources reviewed:
- Assets available on SalesConnect
- Deal Reviews and Coaching Sessions