Detailed Course Outline
1 Course Introduction
- Introductions and course logistics
- Course objectives
2 VMware Aria Automation Clustered Deployment
- Using Aria Suite Lifecycle in a clustered deployment
- Configure External Certificates
- Configure VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer
- Install VMware Aria Automation using Clustered Deployment
- Scale out VMware Identity Manager to support High Availability
3 Advanced VMware Aria Automation Templates
- Use advanced YAML and cloudConfig to deploy a functioning 2-tier application with a phpMyAdmin front end server and a MySQL database server
- Use cloudConfig and cloug-init
- Use advanced YAML techniques to create configuration files and add users to deployed virtual machines
4 Advanced Networking
- Use VMware NSX advanced features in VMware Aria Automation templates
- Interfacing to IPAMs
- Use VMware NSX NAT in VMware Aria Automation templates
- Use VMware NSX Routed Networks
- Use VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer
- Use VMware NSX Security Groups
5 Advanced Orchestrator Workflows
- Create Day-2 Actions with Orchestrator workflows
- Use Orchestrator to Add computer objects to Active Directory when VMware Aria Automation deploys templates
- Create VMware Aria Automation Custom Resources
- Create VMware Aria Automation Resource Actions
- Use VMware Aria Automation with Orchestrator to perform REST calls
6 Using ABX Actions
- Use ABX to create day-2 Actions
- Create ABX Action-Flows
- Use ABX to make REST calls
7 Kubernetes Integration
- Describe vSphere With Tanzu
- Create a Supervisor Cluster
- Create a Supervisor Namespace
- Create Cluster Plans
- Deploy a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster from Aria Automation
- Manage Kubernetes Tanzu clusters from Aria Automation
- Execute YAML code and deploy software in a managed Tanzu Kubernetes cluster
- Connect to an existing generic Kubernetes cluster
- Create Kubernetes namespaces from Aria Automation
- Interface Aria Automation to other Kubernetes systems
8 Aria Automation Pipelines
- Create and use CI/CD pipelines
- Use the Pipeline user interface
- Add states and tasks to a pipeline
- Integrate code from a pipeline with Gitlab
- Use an Aria Automation pipeline to install software
- Use an Aria Automation Pipeline to Create a Kubernetes Namespace and a Deployment
9 Aria Automation and Configuration Management
- Describe Ansible, Puppet, and Terraform
- Integrate Ansible with VMware Aria Automation
- Integrate Terraform with VMware Aria Automation
- Call Terraform from VMware Aria Automation
- Use Terraform to manage VMware Aria Automation
- Deploy an Aria Automation Config minion
- Install software on an Aria Automation Config minion
- Create and manage files on a Linux system with Aria Automation Config