Fast Lane UK supporting the Ukraine relief efforts

London, 9th March - As the conflict and ensuing humanitarian situation in Ukraine continues to escalate we felt obliged to try and make a difference if we can, no matter how big or small. Therefore, as a part of our 'Give Something Back' initiative, we have managed to raise £3,400 to help support the relief effort in Ukraine.

We decided to spread the funds across four different charities, as selected by staff members, these include:

Andy Turner, Managing Director, Fast Lane: “Words can't describe how we all feel watching such atrocities that are occurring on a daily basis in Ukraine, and the suffering that results as an aftermath. The strength and courage of the Ukrainian people is an inspiration to the world, we hope that our donation can go towards helping those that are most in need of it. Our thoughts and hearts remain with the people of Ukraine.”

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About Fast Lane

Fast Lane is a well-established Learning Partner within the technical space, we are also forerunners in sales enablement and business relevancy training across all IT architectures. Alongside our training division we can offer support on a consultative basis, from conducting preliminary analyses and assessments, to designing future-focused IT solutions. Whatever IT challenges you face, be it Partner accreditation, certification, consultancy projects, tailored training deliveries, or standalone authorised courses we can help!

Fast Lane is represented worldwide in more than 60 countries with subsidiaries in all regions. The firm’s head offices are in London, Berlin, Cary (NC), San Jose de Costa Rica, St. Petersburg, and Singapore.

Additional information:

Fast Lane Consulting & Education Services Limited

Thames House
Mere Park,
Dedmere Road,

James Dixon
Phone: 0845 470 1000