Microservices, Containers & DevOps Workshop (MCRSDVO) – Outline

Detailed Course Outline

Day 1 – Lectures

The basis for (digital) transformation of every company - Cloud, DevOps and Open Source

A topic for a wide audience including IT leaders who decide the direction of the company. It explains the core business value of applying modern software development approaches, thus transforming the company by increasing its competitiveness, profitability, flexibility and overall responsiveness to new challenges and market changes. Its goal is to help organizations embrace the cloud as the platform for all new applications, DevOps as the new corporate culture and Open Source as a philosophy and the most relevant source of new technologies.

Microservice Architecture - The modern name for Cloud-Native architecture

The main idea behind this session is to bring the attendees up to speed with these new developments in application engineering. These topics include evolution from SOA architecture to microservices, characteristics that new architecture has to have (scalability, independent deployment, automation…), microservices modelling, common problems in traditional application architecture vs. today’s requirements, technology heterogeneity, architectural patterns and when to use (and when not to use) this architecture. You will learn what new approaches are there in terms of both new patterns and technologies to give life to those patterns.

Containers using Docker

Understanding the concept of containers, creating containers using Docker, pushing container images to private Container registry. Infrastructure components of Docker. Running multi-container applications.

Container orchestration with Kubernetes

Container orchestration basics. Creating a Kubernetes cluster in the cloud. Managing Kubernetes cluster using command line tools. Deploying microservices application to Kubernetes cluster.

Azure DevOps tools for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI-CD)

Modern code repository (Git), test automation, build automation (creating and pushing container images), deployment automation (deploying new container images to Kubernetes cluster).

Serverless technologies – great for automation, integration and workflow-driven modern apps

Leverage Azure Functions (pieces of code executed when called or when a certain event happens) and Logic Apps (integration and workflow platform with connectors for numerous popular services and systems) to create a truly serverless modern app.

Day 2 – Hands-on Assignments

Task Description

  • Creating and running first Docker Container image (simple ASP.NET Core application). Creating Azure Container Registry. Pushing container image to Azure Container Registry.
  • Deploying container image to Azure Web Apps for Containers and Azure Container Apps.
  • Creating microservices application with 2 microservices communicating through API.
  • Creating microservices application with 2 microservices communicating through queue and
  • Publish/subscribe mechanism.
  • Deploying microservices application to Kubernetes cluster using yaml configuration file.
  • Scaling microservices on Kubernetes cluster – automatic provisioning of new instances when traffic load increases.
  • Build automation using Azure DevOps (Continuous Integration). Release automation using Azure DevOps (Continuous Deployment).
  • Creating a serverless app using Azure Functions and Logic Apps.