Microservices, Containers & DevOps Workshop (MCRSDVO)


Course Overview

The microservices, containers and DevOps workshop was conceptualized as a combination of lectures and Hands-on assignments. Attendees will first have the opportunity to become familiar with all the technologies and concepts that underpin the Cloud-native application development framework, also known as the microservice solution architecture. On the next day, the idea is to put theory into practice by creating Docker containers, using Azure Subscription to create Kubernetes cluster, deploy container-based applications to various container services on Azure, implement API and asynchronous (queue/publish-subscribe) communication and first serverless applications


Ensure developers effectively learn everything they need to get started leveraging Azure as target platform for their container-based and serverless applications. Learn the basics of creating Docker containers and pushing them to Container Registry. Get to know how to create and manage Kubernetes cluster on Azure. Learn how to deploy single and multi-container applications to Kubernetes Cluster. Learn how to use Azure DevOps for source code versioning, build automation (unit testing, container creation) and automatic deployment to Kubernetes cluster. Get to know serverless technologies on Azure and create first serverless applications.

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training Private

2 days

  • on request
Classroom Training Private

2 days

  • on request

Currently there are no training dates scheduled for this course.