Python Programming 1 (PYP1)


Course Overview

Python is an object oriented rapid development language deployed in many scenarios in the modern world.

This Python Programming 1 course is designed to give delegates the knowledge to develop and maintain Python scripts using the current version (V3) of Python.

There are many similarities between Python V2 and Python V3. The skills gained on this course will allow the delegate to develop their own skills further using Python V2 or V3 to support the development and maintenance of scripts.

The Python Programming 1 course comprises sessions dealing with syntax, variables and data types, operators and expressions, conditions and loops, functions, objects, collections, modules and packages, strings, pattern matching, dates, exception handling, files, and databases.

Exercises and examples are used throughout the course to give practical hands-on experience with the techniques covered.

Follow-On Courses

  • Python Programming 2
  • Data Analysis in Python
  • Apache Web Server
  • PHP Programming
  • PHP & MySQL for Web Development
  • PHP & MariaDB for Web Development
  • Perl Programming
  • Ruby Programming
  • Introduction to MySQL
  • Introduction to MariaDB

Who should attend

The Python Programming 1 course is aimed at anyone who wants to learn Python as a first language, and developers/engineers who want to migrate to Python from another language, particularly those with little or no object-oriented knowledge.


Delegates attending this course should be able to define general programming concepts including compilation and execution, variables, arrays, sequence, selection and iteration, navigate the filesystem (on the command line ideally), edit and save text files and browse the web.

Course Objectives

This course aims to provide the delegate with the knowledge to be able to produce Python scripts and applications that exploit all core elements of the language including variables, expressions, selection and iteration, functions, objects, collections, strings, modules, pattern matching, exception handling, I/O, and classes.

The delegate will learn and acquire skills as follows:

  • Writing and testing simple scripts
  • Representing data using built-in and custom data types
  • Building expressions
  • Building conditional and iterative statements
  • Declaring and calling functions
  • Using objects
  • Creating and manipulating collections including lists, tuples, and dictionaries
  • Creating and manipulating strings
  • Creating modules and packages, and using third-party libraries
  • Pattern matching
  • Working with date and time objects
  • Handling exceptions
  • Reading from and writing to files and databases
  • Coding in an OOP manner

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training

4 days

  • £ 1,990.—
Classroom Training

4 days

  • United Kingdom: £ 1,990.—


Instructor-led Online Training:   This computer icon in the schedule indicates that this date/time will be conducted as Instructor-Led Online Training.


European Time Zones

Online Training
Online Training
Online Training
Online Training
Online Training
Online Training