Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.0: Maintain and Troubleshoot (SEPMT)


Course Overview

The Symantec Endpoint Protection 14x: Maintain and Troubleshooting course is designed for the IT security management professional tasked with troubleshooting Symantec Endpoint Protection 14x. Students learn how to troubleshoot and upgrade to Symantec Endpoint Protection 14x and how to monitor and troubleshoot the SEPM, client-to-SEPM communication, content distribution, client deployments, and protection technologies. The class also covers how to follow Symantec best practices for troubleshooting and remediating a virus outbreak and performing advanced monitoring using IT Analytics.This course includes practical hands-on exercises that enable you to test your new skills and begin to use those skills in a working environment.


You must have attended the Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.1: Administration course or have one year of day-to-day experience maintaining a SEP environment, which includes basic troubleshooting.

Course Objectives

By the completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Monitor client-to-SEPM communication.
  • Maintain a Symantec Endpoint Protection environment.
  • Upgrade the Symantec Endpoint Protection environment.
  • Monitor and troubleshoot a Symantec Endpoint Protection environment.
  • Monitor and troubleshoot SEPM and client content delivery.
  • Monitor and troubleshoot protection technologies.
  • Use best practices when troubleshooting and remediating a virus outbreak.
  • Use IT Analytics to generate comprehensive reports from Symantec Endpoint Protection.

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training

3 days

  • US $ 3,000.—
Classroom Training

3 days

  • United Kingdom: US $ 3,000.—

Currently there are no training dates scheduled for this course.